The Sisterhood of the world Blog Award

14:25 Unknown 2 Comments

Hey my Babies, CC here

I've been nominated to do the Sisterhood of the World Blog award by the wonderful Peace from wait what ok. So thanks peace for nominating me and thank you so much for your awesome questions and I'm literally so excited to answer them so I should probably stop rambling and just get on with it...

The rules are

1) Thank and link the blogger who nominated you ( Done! )
2) Answer the ten questions you were asked
3) Nominate another ten bloggers
4) Create ten questions for your nominations to answer

3 fave Music Artists?
At the moment it's Fall out Boy, Greek Fire and Avrill Lavigne

Favourite Animal?
I have tones of images of marmoset on my phone


Why did you chose the blog name that you have chosen?
CC my Baby is actually the name of a playground song my sister used to sing when she was little. She used to ask me to sing it when she got home from school
Top 2 favourite foods?
Tacos and Curly Fries
Do you like musicals if so which is your favourite? 
Well, 2 years ago my nan offered to take me and my cousin to a
theatre production every christmas and so far we've seen Wicked and Dirty Rotten Scoundrals. Dirty Rotten Scoundrals was the best in my opinion
Favourite film of all time?
I'm gonna have to say twilight because no matter how many times I see it, it still takes me on a roller coaster of emotions. But apart from that I love the hunger games
Elves or Fairies?
Where do you see yourself in 3 years time?
Myself with a pen that actually works
What do you look for in a friend?
I've stopped looking because I've found them
LA or London?
I have to go with my amazing city London. If I said LA it would be like giving up my baby

So those were the question given to me by peace. Now these are my questions...

1) Favourite healthy snack?
2) Favourite unhealthy snack?
3) What helps you to study/revise/work?
4) Why do you do the certain topic on your blog (eg I do fashion and lifestyle)?
5) What freaks you out the most?
6) How do you cope with fear?
7) What would you do with a million pounds/dollars/euros?
8) Favourite childhood memory?
9) Are you someone who needs help most of the time, or gives help most of the time?
10) When did you figure out who you were going to be and what you wanted to do or has that happened yet?

I nominate 
Hey Just Another Girl Online
Kelby K Tennison
The Other Dream Girl
Good Morning Belle
Emily Attempts Life
Pastel Tiara
The Little Blue Sail Boat
It's Everything Erin
Laura's Obsession 28


  1. Omg! Marmosets are the cutest things ever!! I loved your answers and you have really good question!
    Until next time
    Peace xox
