The Liebster Award!

16:54 Unknown 1 Comments

Hey my babies, CC here.
I've been nominated by PeaceFirestone to do the Leibster Award. So thank you for that and I think your blog is amazing!
For those of you that are unfamiliar with the Liebster Award, it is basically the idea of more blogs getting to know each other. It's also a really good way of allowing smaller bloggers to get themselves 'out there' and involved, so I think it is a really nice concept.
The rules are...

Link the blogger that nominated you for the award!
Answer all 11 questions set by the blogger!
Nominate 11 other bloggers for the award!
Create 11 questions for the nominees to answer!

Now without further ado...lets get started

 Do you like Disney Channel and Why?
to be honest, I really do not like Disney channel. I just think that it has super corny shows and completely ruins the name of Disney. But hey that's my opinion  
Favourite YouTubers?
At the moment i've been watching a lot of Jim Cahpman, Shane Dawson, Ava Allan, Ricky Dillon and TanaMontana
Favoutite School Subjects?
Every one in my school knows that i'm just a little artist so... Math...
Just kidding. My favourite subject is Art
Best piece of advice ever received?
'Don't ever thin your eyebrows' says the young lady in the eyebrow threading place.
Highlight of last summer?
I made some really cool friends whilst on holiday and we all had an amazing time. but apart from that, last summer was when I 'met' Peace (the blog linked at the beginning of this blog post)
Why is blogging something important to you?
Well, I would use the word important just yet because I think that for something to be important to you, and to feel really sad if you lost it, you need to have it and enjoy it for a little while. however I have big dreams for this blog so yes it is special to me.
Best book you have ever read?
Generally I don't read books that often, but it just so happens that I am actually reading Girl Online by Zoella. I know there have been some talks about this book but none the less it is still a really well written book.
Top three actresses?
Scarlett Johansson in Avenger Assemble just because I love her hair
Kristen Stewart just because I know she will make me laugh (even if she not trying to be funny)
And my best friend just because I know she can become and will become a famous actress some day
Favourite historical story?
the story of when I was asked this question
Favourite Town/City or Country?
London Baby #Joey
Hopes for five years time?
I hope..........

Well lets just see were life takes me

1 comment:

  1. Awesome answers!! X The 'why is blogging important to you' question got deep haha! 'Meeting' you was one highlight of my summer too!
    Peace xo
